科技部計畫 Research Projects:
以可攜式液晶感應系統檢測環境中的危害物 (101-2113-M-032-007-MY2) 2012/11/1~2014/7/31
可即時監測水質的液晶感測系統 (103-2113-M-032-003-MY2) 2014/8/1~2016/7/31
液晶感測系統的分子設計、合成及應用 (105-2113-M-032-008) 2016/8/1~2017/7/31
改善液晶感測系統靈敏度及穩定度的策略 (106-2113-M-032-006) 2017/8/1~2018/7/31
用以監測水產養殖水質之微小化液晶感測晶片 (107-2622-M-032-001-CC1) 2018/6/1~2020/5/31
可即時檢測水中亞硝酸鹽的微小化液晶感測晶片 (107-2113-M-032-003) 2018/8/1~2019/7/31
可多重檢測農業水質之液晶感測晶片 (108-2113-M-032-004) 2019/8/1~2021/7/31
以聚集誘導螢光液晶分子建立具有三重光學訊號通道之液晶感測系統 (110-2113-M-032-003) 2021/8/1~2023/7/31
用於浸沒式冷卻系統之礦物油黏度改質 (111-2622-M-032-001) 2022/6/1~2023/5/31
以分子間氫鍵建構聚集誘導發光液晶分子及其在薄膜型感測器上的應用 (112-2113-M-032-005) 2023/8/1~2026/7/31
產學合作計畫 Industrial Collaboration Projects:
新穎有機小分子材料開發及其在染料敏化太陽能電池上的應用 (台灣永光化學工業股份有限公司) 2014/8/1~2017/7/31
可供溫室環境使用之高透明度藍色染料敏化太陽能電池染料 (台灣永光化學工業股份有限公司) 2018/12/1~2019/11/30
老岩泥材質茶壺、茶葉與水對茶湯成分分析合作計畫 (勤貿實業股份有限公司-陶作坊) 2020/10/16~2021/10/31
氯鋁酞青素材料的合成方法開發 (南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司) 2021/9/1~2022/3/31
礦物油冷卻液改質 (飛斯酷股份有限公司) 2021/10/1~2022/7/31
獲獎 Awards:
2022 淡江大學優良導師
2022 台灣創新博覽會發明競賽銀牌獎;陳志欣、黃致為、張容蓉。「可用於檢測水中汞離子之含液晶液滴高分子凝膠薄膜及其製備方法」
2020 科技部未來科技獎;陳志欣、張容蓉、黃致為。「多功能液晶智慧雲端感測器」
2018 台灣創新博覽會發明競賽金牌獎;陳志欣、陳韋龍、何宗洋。「液晶組合物的酸鹼值感測裝置」
2018 淡江大學教學優良教師
2013-2022 淡江大學執行研究計畫績效卓越
2015-2022 科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才

期刊論文 Publications:
1. Xie, J.-X.; Lee, C.-C.; Huang, L.-M.; Lin, H.-T.; Luo, D.; Hsieh, C.-H.; Liu, S.-W.*; Chen, C.-H.* ” Positional Isomeric Cyano-Substituted Bis(2-phenylpyridine)(acetylacetonate)-iridium Complexes for Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Extended Color Range” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15,44022. Impact factor: 9.5.
2. Chou, P.-T.; Ho, T. Y.; Cai, J.-Y.; Lin, H.-T.; Hsieh, C.-H.; Chen, C.-H.* “Aggregation-induced emission mesogens formed by intermolecular hydrogen bonding of 4-alkyl-4’-cyanobiphenyl molecules” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 11857. Impact factor: 6.4.
3. Mohammadi, F.; Zahraee, H.; Kazemi, M. I.; Habibi, Z. S.; Taghdisi, S. M.; Abnous, K.; Khoshbin, Z.*; Chen, C.-H.* “Recent advances in aptamer-based platforms for cortisol hormone monitoring”Talanta 2024, 266, 125010. Impact factor: 6.1.
4. Chang, C.-Y.; Chen, W.-R.; Kar, P.; Liao, W.-S.; Chen, C.-H.* “Creating liquid crystal microdroplet arrays for multiplexed sensing by spatially-controlled molecular patterning” Sens. Actuat. B-Chem. 2023, 393, 134253. Impact factor: 8.4.
5. Lin, Y.-H.; Huang, J.-W.; Wang, D.-J.; Chou, T.-C.; Peng, L.-Y.; Pan, P.-S.*, Chen, C.-H.* “Surface Modification Strategy of Boronic Acids on Glass Substrates and Its Application for Detecting Glycated Hemoglobin by Liquid Crystal-based Sensors” J. Mol. Liq.2023, 382, 121959. Impact factor: 6.0.
6. Estrada, R.; Luo, D.; Lee, C.-C.; Iskandar, J.; Biring, S.; Amin, N. R. A.; Akbar, A. K.; Chen, C.-H.; Yu, C.-W.; Pham, T. M. D.; Liu, S.-W.* “Developing efficient small molecule-based organic photo-couplers by optimizing the cathode interfacial layer in the photodetector” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11, 5378-5387. Impact factor: 6.4.
7. Suryantari, R.; Silalahi, H. M.; Liu, Y.-M.; Wu, L.-Y.; Chen, X.-W.; Chen, C.-H.*, Chia-Yi Huang, C.-Y.* “Toward femtomolar detection of heavy metal ions using uniform liquid crystal films with 1 × 1 cm2 active regions” Opt. Laser Technol. 2023, 163, 109352. Impact factor: 5.0.
8. Ho, T. T.; Hsu, C.-W.; Chen, C.-H.* “N-Dodecyl-ethane-1,2-diamine as amphiphilic molecular probes in liquid crystal-based sensors for detecting aluminum ions” Microchem. J. 2023, 188, 108472. Impact factor: 4.8.
9. Verdian, A.*; Khoshbin, Z.; Chen, C.-H.; Hu, Q.”Attomolar analyte sensing technique for detection of Pb2+ and Hg2+ ions based on liquid crystal” Talanta 2023, 253, 124042. Impact factor: 6.1.
10. Rouhbakhsh, Z.; Huang, J.-W.; Ho, T. T.; Verdian, A.; Chen, C.-H.* “Liquid crystal-based chemical sensors and biosensors: From sensing mechanisms to the variety of analytical targets” Trends Anal. Chem. 2022, 157, 116820. Impact factor: 13.1.
11. Yang, L.-X.; Liu, Y.-C.; Cho, C.-H.; Chen, Y.-R.; Yang, C.-S.; Lu, Y.-L.; Zhang, Z.; Tsai, Y.-T.; Chin, Y.-C.; Yu, J.; Pan, H.-M.; Jiang, W.-R.; Chia, Z.-C.; Huang, W.-S.; Chiu, Y.-L.; Sun, C.-K.; Huang, Y.-T.; Chen, L.-M.; Wong, K.-T.; Huang, H.-M.; Chen, C.-H.*; Chang, Y. J.*; Huang, C.-C.*; Liu, T.-M. “A universal strategy for the fabrication of single-photon and multiphoton NIR nanoparticles by loading organic dyes into water-soluble polymer nanosponges” J. Nanobiotechnology 2022, 20, 311. Impact factor: 10.2.
12. Rouhbakhsh, Z.; Ho, T. T.; Verdian, A.; Chen, C.-H.* “Detection of okadaic acid using a liquid crystal-based aptasensor by exploiting the signal enhancement effect of gold nanoparticles” Biosens. Bioelecton. X 2022, 11, 100148.
13. Chiu, C.-H.; Amin, N. R. A.; Xie, J.-X.; Lee, C.-C.; Luo, D.; Biring, S.; Sutanto, K.; Liu, S.-W.*; Chen, C.-H.* “A Phosphorescent OLED with Efficiency Roll-Off Lower than 1% at 10,000 cd/m2 Achieved by Reducing the Carrier Mobility of the Donors in Exciplex Co-host System ” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 4955-4964. Impact factor: 6.4.
14. Sutanto, K.; Amin, N. R. A.; Chen, C.-H.; Luo, D.; Biring, S.; Lee, C.-C.; Liu, S.-W.*”Vacuum deposited WO3/Al/Al:Ag anode for efficient red organic light-emitting diodes” Org. Electron. 2022, 103, 106454. Impact factor: 3.2.
15. Verdian, A.*; Khoshbin, Z.*; Chen, C.-H. “Development of a novel liquid crystal Apta-sensing platform using P-shape molecular switch” Biosens. Bioelecton. 2022, 199, 113882.Impact factor: 12.6.
16. Lee, C.-C.; Amin, N. R. A.; Xu, J.-J.; Wang, B.-C.; Luo, D.; Sutanto, K.; Biring, S.; Liu, S.-W.*; Chen, C.-H.* “Structural Effect of Phenylcarbazole-based Molecules on the Exciplex-Forming Co-Host System to Achieve Highly Efficient Phosphorescent OLEDs with Low Efficiency Roll-off” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 9453-9464. Impact factor: 6.4.
17. Chang, J.-J.; Huang, J.-W.; Lin, C.-F.; Liu, S.-W.*, Chen, C.-H.* “Enhancing the Signal Contrast Ratio and Stability of Liquid Crystal-based Sensors by Using Fine Grids Made by Photolithography of Photoresist” Analyst 2021, 146, 3834–3840. Impact factor: 4.2.
18. Khachornsakkul, K.; Hung, K.-H.; Chang, J.-J.; Dungchai, W.*; Chen, C.-H.* “A rapid and highly sensitive paper-based colorimetric device for the on-site screening of ammonia gas” Analyst 2021, 146, 2919–2927. Impact factor: 4.2.
19. Khachornsakkul, K.; Chang, J.-J.; Lin, P.-H.; Lin, Y.-H.; Dungchai, W.*; Chen, C.-H.* “Highly sensitive distance-based liquid crystalline visualization for paper-based analytical devices” Anal. Chim. Acta 2021, 1154, 338328. Impact factor: 6.2.
20. Ho, T. T.; Huang, J.-W.; Peng, B.-C.; Tsao W.-C, Chen, C.-H.* “Liquid crystal-based sensor system for detecting formaldehyde in aqueous solutions” Microchem. J. 2020, 158, 105235. Impact factor: 4.8.
21. Ho, T. T.; Lan, Y.-S.; Huang, J.-W.; Chang, J.-J.; Chen, C.-H.* “Using Diazotization Reaction to Develop Portable Liquid-Crystal-Based Sensors for Nitrite Detection” ACS Omega 2020, 5, 11809–11816. Impact factor: 4.1.
22. Gao, Z.-J.; Yeh, T.-H.; Xu, J.-J.; Lee, C.-C.; Chowdhury, A.; Wang, B.-C.*; Liu, S.-W.*; Chen, C.-H.* “Carbazole/ Benzimidazole-Based Bipolar Molecules as the Hosts for Phosphorescent and Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters for Efficient OLEDs” ACS Omega 2020, 5, 10553–10561. Impact factor: 4.1.
23. Huang, J.-W.; Chang, R.-R.; Yang, R.-H.; Chen, C.-H.* “Agarose dispersed liquid crystals as a soft sensing platform for detecting mercuric ions in water” Res. Chem. Intermed. 2019, 45, 5409-5423. Impact factor: 3.3.
24. Huang, J.-W.; Hisamoto, H.; Chen, C.-H.* “Quantitative analysis of liquid crystal-based immunoassay using rectangular capillaries as sensing platform” Opt. Express 2019, 27, 10780-10790. Impact factor: 3.8.
25. Chen, C.-H.*; Hsu, Y.-T.; Wang, B.-C.; Chung, C.-L.; Chen, C.-P.*”Thienoisoindigo-Based Dopant-Free Hole Transporting Material for Efficient p–i–n Perovskite Solar Cells with the Grain Size in Micrometer Scale” J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 1602-1609. Impact factor: 3.7.
26. Chuang, H.-Y.; Chen, C.-H.* “Developing liquid crystal‑based immunoassay for melamine detection” Res. Chem. Intermed. 2019,45, 91-102. Impact factor: 3.3.
27. Chen, C.-H.*; Chou, C.-P.; Yin, T.-C.; Chen, K.-F.; Jiang, M.-L.; Chang, Y. J.; Tai, C.-K.; Wang, B.-C.* “Rational Design of Cost-effective Dyes for High Performance Dye-sensitized Cells in Indoor Light Environments” Org. Electron. 2018, 59, 69-76. Impact factor: 3.2.
28. Chen, W.-L.; Ho, T. Y.; Huang, J.-W.; Chen, C.-H.* “Continuous monitoring of pH level in flow aqueous system by using liquid crystal-based sensor device”Microchem. J. 2018, 139, 339-346. Impact factor: 4.8.
29. Wang, B.-C.*; Tai, C.-K.; Chou, C.-P.; Hsu, Y.-T.; Chen, L.; Liu, C.-K.; Chan, L.-H.; Chen, C.-H.* “Novel Thienoisoindigo-based Dyes for Near-infrared Organic Photovoltaics – A combination of theoretical and experimental study” Org. Electron. 2017, 51, 410-421. Impact factor: 3.2.
30. Chuang, C.-H.; Lin, Y.-C.; Chen, W.-L.; Chen, Y.-H.; Chen, Y.-X.; Chen, C.-M.; Shiu, H. W.; Chang, L.-Y.; Chen, C.-H.; Chen, C.-H.* “Detecting Trypsin at Liquid Crystal/Aqueous Interface by Using Surface-immobilized Bovine Serum Albumin” Biosens. Bioelecton. 2016, 78, 213-220.Impact factor: 12.6. Cited times: 13.
31. Chen, C.-H.*; Lin, Y.-C.; Chang, H.-H.; Lee, A. S.-H.* “Ligand-Doped Liquid Crystal Sensor System for Detecting Mercuric Ion in Aqueous Solutions” Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 4546-4551. Impact factor: 8.008. Cited times: 26.
32. 陳志欣*、黃致為、陳韋龍、楊儒翰。”可攜式液晶感測系統的發展與應用” 化學;104年;74(1),45-53。
33. Chang, C.-Y.; Chen, C.-H.* “Oligopeptide-decorated Liquid Crystal Droplets for Detecting Proteases” Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 12162-12165. Impact factor: 6.065. Cited times: 23.
34. Chen, C.-H.*; Yang, K. -L.* “Oligopeptide immobilization strategy for improving stability and sensitivity of liquid-crystal protease assays” Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem 2014, 204, 734-740. Impact factor: 9.221. Cited times: 5.
35. Ho, W.-H.; Chen, C.-H.* “Liquid crystal-based immunoassay for detecting human serum albumin” Res. Chem. Intermed. 2014, 40, 2229-2236. Impact factor: 3.134. Cited times: 5.
36. Muangpaisal, R.; Ho, M.-C.; Huang, T.-H.; Chen, C.-H.; Shen, J.-Y.; Ni, J.-S.; Lin, J. T.*; Ke, T.-H.; Chen, L.-Y.; Wu, C.-C.*; Tsai, C.* “Tetrasubstituted-pyrene derivatives for electroluminescent application” Org. Electron. 2014, 15, 2148-2157. Impact factor: 3.868. Cited times: 3.
37. Wu, Y.; Ruan, X. Chen, C.-H.; Shin, Y. J.; Yang, K. -L.; Yang, H.* “Graphene/liquid crystal based terahertz phase shifters” Opt. Express 2013, 21, 21395-21402. Impact factor: 3.833. Cited times: 53.
38. Chen, C.-H.; Yang, K. -L.* “A Liquid Crystal Biosensor for Detecting Organophosphates through the Localized pH Changes Induced by Their Hydrolytic Products” Sens. Actu. B. Chem. 2013, 181, 368-374. Impact factor: 9.221. Cited times: 29.
39. Chen, C.-H.; Yang, K. -L.* “Functional Protease Assay Using Liquid Crystals as a Signal Reporter” Biosens. Bioelecton. 2012, 35, 174-179. Impact factor: 12.545. Cited times: 14.
40. Chen, C.-H.; Yang, K. -L.* “Liquid Crystal-based Immunoassays for Detecting Hepatitis B Antibody” Anal. Biochem. 2012, 421, 321-323. Impact factor: 3.365. Cited times: 30.
41. Chen, C.-H.; Yang, K. -L.* “Improving Protein Transfer Efficiency and Selectivity in Affinity Contact Printing by Using UV-Modified Surfaces” Langmuir 2011, 27, 5427-5432. Impact factor: 3.882. Cited times: 16.
42. Lai, S. L.; Chen, C.-H.; Yang, K. -L.* “Enhancing Fluorescence Intensity of DNA Microarrays by Using Cationic Surfactants” Langmuir 2011, 27, 5659-5664. Impact factor: 3.882. Cited times: 11.
43. Chen, C.-H.; Yang, K. -L.* “Fishing DNA Targets in DNA Solutions by Using Affinity Microcontact Printing” Analyst 2011, 136, 733-739. Impact factor: 4.616. Cited times: 4.
44. Velusamy, M.; Chen, C.-H.; Wen, Y. S.; Lin, J. T; Lin,* C.-C; Lai, C.-H.; Chou, P.-T.* “Cyclometalated Platinum(II) Complexes of Lepidine-Based Ligands as Highly Efficient Electrophosphors” Organometallics 2010, 29, 3912-3921. Impact factor: 3.876. Cited times: 47.
45. Chen, C.-H.; Yang, K. -L.* “Detection and Quantification of DNA Adsorbed on Solid Surfaces by Using Liquid Crystals” Langmuir 2010, 26, 1427-1430.
46. Chen, C.-H.; Huang, W.-S.; Lin, J. T.*; Wu, Y.-H.; Ke, T.-H.; Chen, L.-Y.; Wu, C.-C.* “Versatile Benzimidazole/Amine-Based Ambipolar Compounds for Electroluminescent Applications: Single-Layer Blue Fluorescent OLEDs, Hosts for Single-Layer Phosphorescent OLEDs” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 2661-2670.
47. Lai, M-Y.;Chen, C.-H.; Huang, W.-S.; Lin, J. T.*; Ke, T.-H.; Chen, L.-Y.; Wu, C.-C.* “Benzimidazole/Amine-Based Compounds Capable of Ambipolar Transport for Application in Single-Layer Blue-Emitting OLEDs and as Hosts for Phosphorescent Emitters” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 581-585.
48. Chen, C.-H.; Lin, J. T.*; Yeh, M.-C. P.* “Non-Conjugated Red-Emitting Dendrimers with p- and/or n-type peripheries” Org. Lett. 2006, 8, 2233-2236.
49. Chen, C.-H.; Lin, J. T.*; Yeh, M.-C. P.* “Stilbene Like Carbazole Dimer-based Electroluminescent Materials” Tetrahedron 2006, 62, 8564-8570.
專利 Patents:
“氨氣檢測系統及氨氣檢測方法” 陳志欣、林一。中華民國發明專利獲證 I 806421。
“Liquid crystal composition, pH sensing device using the same, and pH sensing device kit using the same” U.S. Patent No. 10,725,001
“檢測裝置及檢測系統” 陳志欣、黃致為。中華民國發明專利獲證 I 668444。
“可用於檢測水中汞離子之含液晶液滴高分子凝膠薄膜及其製備方法” 陳志欣、黃致為、張容蓉。中華民國發明專利獲證 I 666241。
“液晶組合物、應用此組合物的酸鹼值感測裝置” 陳志欣、陳韋龍、何宗洋。中華民國發明專利獲證 I 595079。
“單層藍光有機發光二極體之材料” 林建村、賴玫儀、陳志欣。美國專利獲證 7,910,228B2、中華民國發明專利獲證 I 394746。
教科書著作 Textbooks:
“Chemistry” Chih-Hsin Chen, Ping-Hsin Huang, Kwa-Nan Lu, Ching-Ying Lee. 2005, 新文京出版社。
“普通化學” 陳志欣、魏屹。2014 東華書局。ISBN 978-986-341-131-4
“化學” 陳志欣、魏屹。2014 東華書局。ISBN 978-986-341-150-5
“基礎有機化學” 陳志欣、潘伯申。2020 東華書局。ISBN 978-957-9282-86-4
邀請演講 Invited Talks:
1. “Structural Effect of Phenylcarbazole-based Molecules on the Exciplex-Forming Co-Host System to Achieve Highly Efficient Phosphorescent OLEDs and Low Efficiency Roll-off at High Luminance”” The 6th International TADF Workshop, 2021.
2. “Liquid Crystal Smart Cloud Sensors for Monitoring Water Quality” International Conference of Smart Sensors (ICSS), 2021.
3. “Benzimidazole/amine-based compounds for OLED applications” The 11th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics, New Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.
4. “Portable Liquid Crystal Sensor System for Nitrite Detection” The 7th HCMUT-TKU-OPU-KMITL-TNU Joint Symposium on Chemistry, Environment, Natural Science and Technologies, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2019.
5. “Developing Portable Liquid Crystal Sensor System for Nitrite Detection by Using Tetradecyl 4-aminobenzoate as the Chemical Probe” The 12th Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Symposium on Architecture of Functional Organic Molecules, Kyoto, Japan, 2019.
6. “Agarose dispersed liquid crystals for real-time sensing mercuric ions in water” 2018中華民國液態晶體學會年會, New Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.
7. “2,2′ and 3,3′ Substituted Thienoisoindigo-Based Small Molecules for the Applications of Organic Photovoltaics and Perovskite Solar Cells” The 15th International Symposium for Chinese Organic Chemists, Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.
8. “2,2′ and 3,3′ Substituted Thienoisoindigo-Based Small Molecules for the Applications of Organic Photovoltaics and Perovskite Solar Cells” The 11th Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Symposium on Architecture of Functional Organic Molecules, Taichung, Taiwan, 2018.
9. “Rational Design of Cost-Effective Dyes for High Performance Dye-Sensitized Cells under Indoor Light Environments” The 6th OPU-KIST-ECUST-TKU Joint Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 2017.
10. “Rational Design of Cost-Effective Dyes for High Performance Dye-Sensitized Cells under Indoor Light Environments” American Chemical Society (ACS) Asia-Pacific International Chapters Conference, Jeju, Korea, 2017.
11. “Real-time Liquid Crystal Based Sensor System for pH Determination” The 5th Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials and Application, Seoul, Korea, 2016.
12. “Ligand-doped Liquid Crystal Sensor System for Detecting Mercuric Ions in Aqueous Solutions” 2015 E-MRS Spring Meeting, Lille, France, 2015.
13. “Oligopeptide-decorated Liquid Crystal Droplets for Detecting Proteases” The 2014 Fall Symposium of Photochemistry Association in Taiwan, Changhua, Taiwan, 2014.
14. “Portable Liquid-Crystal Analytical System for Detecting Environmental Hazards” The The First OPU-TKU International Symposium, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan, 2013.










2nd TKU-OPU International Symposium


















