
Common Omissions in Uploading Moe Teaching Practice Research Program

Q1. Common Omissions in the Project Proposal
1.The project leader's resume exceeds 5 pages.
2.The project proposal does not follow the format specified in the Ministry of Education's announcement (There is a new format for the year 112; do not use the previous project format).
3.The project proposal (including appendices) exceeds 25 pages.
4.The Chinese course title does not match the school's official course title.
5.For courses that span both semesters (semester numbers 1 and 2) and are taught in both semesters, the teaching plan for both semesters should be 6.combined into one file and uploaded. (When the course content/progress differs between the two semesters, there should be teaching content/progress for both semesters).

Q2. Common Omissions in Budget Allocation
1.Principal fees do not include supplementary health insurance fees (*).
2.Part-time assistants do not include supplementary health insurance fees (*), labor insurance fees (**), and retirement fees (**).
3.Part-time student worker wages (starting from the year 113, with a minimum hourly wage of NTD 183) do not include supplementary health insurance fees, labor insurance fees, and retirement fees.
*: The supplementary health insurance fee rate for the year 112 is 2.11%. All expenses included in the income must allocate the National Health Insurance supplementary insurance fee.
**: As of January in the year 112, various insurance premium amounts are distributed 
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