
Teaching Practice Research Program Section

Poster:Wu, Hui-YingPost date:2020-12-25
 What is “Teaching Practice Research
Teaching practice research refers to the faculty’s process of adopting proper research method and tools to verify its effectiveness for the purpose of elevating teaching quality and promote students' learning effectiveness, which is achieved through the use of live educational arenas to propose questions, the utilization of curriculum design, teaching methods, or introducing education instruments and the use of media and technology.(MOE Teaching Practice Research Program URL:https://tpr.moe.edu.tw/index)

Call for Proposals for the Year 2024

 System registration time: Starting from 9:00 AM on November 21, 2023.

Project   submission periodFrom 9:00 AM on November 21, 2023, to 12:00 PM on December 12, 2023.

Project Submission URLhttps://tpr.moe.edu.tw/sotl/loginhttps://forms.office.com/r/cd6MzVYPM6

Project Proposal Template, 2024 (Include One-year and Multiple-year Project)

Call for Projects Application Operations Manua,2024

Reference Documents

MOE Teaching Practice Research Program: An Overview and Application Tips
 activity video and slides

Last modification time:2023-12-07 AM 8:50

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